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Aphrodite 捕捉塵世美



Social Feed (Illustration+Design+Content) | Aphrodite 捕捉塵世美 | 2018 - Present

Aphrodite logo v5 noword-01.png

DESIGN IDEA |   This series of social feed was designed to present brand value. Therefore, the brand colours and clear and simple layout were adopted to deliver brand message.


Social Feed (Photography+Design+Content) | Aphrodite 捕捉塵世美 | 2018 - Present

Aphrodite logo v5 noword-01.png

DESIGN IDEA |   Since these graphics are cover photos used for a series of social media feed and website blog to introduce various unique local shops, the design was purposed to be simple and able to present the key features of the shop through photos and word in a clear and aesthetic manner. 


Social Feed (Design+Content) | Desk-one 溫室 | 2017-2018

DESIGN IDEA |   This series of social feed is designed to boost brand exposure through viral engagement. Funny and interesting cold knowledge was generated with collages of WhatsApp emoji because people always use these emojis. Then, these emojis would resonate with audiences and thus create viral reaction on social media.

Desk-one 溫室


Social Feed (Photography+Design) | Desk-one 溫室 | 2017-2018